Humble Eating


Molly's picture

After years of working with clients who struggle not just with food, but with their RELATIONSHIP with food, I’ve crafted a game changing framework. This isn’t just another diet – it’s a solution. A revolutionary approach that makes YOU the mastermind of your food relationship. It’s about healing years of diet drama and trauma, achieving your goals and nurturing a brand-new, loving relationship with yourself.

Humble Eating is all about embracing your individual journey, finding the perfect balance of food and lifestyle that’s tailored just for YOU! Imagine a mix of liberating choices, scientific knowledge, selfcompassion, ongoing support, and insights – all steeped in hope. The solution you’ve been seeking is right here.

We know that trying to heal you relationship with food, dieting, weight, and body issues can leave us feeling confused, challenged and hopeless.


We’ve all seen those hardcore programs—the ones that demand a high level of vigilance and rigidity. They’re extremely prescriptive and don’t offer much wiggle room for the realities of everyday life. These programs are like training wheels – incredibly useful in providing structure and guidance in the initial stages of change. While they’re great in getting you started, long-term they can leave you feeling boxed in, restricted, and even hopeless.

Many of these programs also miss the most crucial part of lasting change: Self Determination – the power of deciding what’s best for YOU. A one-size-fits-all approach or rigid way of doing things makes truly owning your recovery impossible. It’s this sense of ownership that makes the difference, transforming your new relationship with food, and ultimately with yourself, into something enduring and deeply fulfilling.

Then there’s the Intuitive Eating approach. It says: Listen to your body, eat what it craves when it craves it. Sounds perfect, right? Cookie dough for breakfast? Yes, please! But be honest: with so many of our foods being addictive, their effects on our metabolism, and our go-go-go lifestyles, tuning into our intuition isn’t always straightforward. It requires years of practice, constant self-checking, making sure we’re listening to our gut, not our emotions or surroundings. While the idea behind Intuitive Eating is valuable, it can also easily spiral into emotional eating overload, leaving you feeling anything BUT attuned to your body.

You need an option that brings the best parts of vigilant abstinence plans and intuitive eating into your relationship with food. An option that gives you a gentle structure AND freedom, that gives you self-determined guidelines AND incorporates what we know from sound science. Most importantly, gives you room to experiment with what is right for YOU, honoring your individuality and making you the architect of your big, beautiful life.

Humble Eating


If the idea of finding lasting freedom, fun and abundance in your relationship around food and yourself appeals to you, then Humble Eating Coaching is your answer!
This 12-week coaching experience offers you: weekly teaching videos, worksheets, and 12 individual coaching sessions—a comprehensive 75-minute intake followed by ongoing 45-minute sessions. Additionally, you’ll have unlimited contact with your coach between sessions, ensuring you’re equipped for lasting success.

Stage 1:

Examine Your History with Food

Let’s unravel the past to understand what hasn’t served you, so we know what will work for your bright future and so we can create a roadmap for lasting success.

a heart

Stage 2:

Define Your Ideal Relationship

Identify your true needs and core values to get clarity on what aligns best for your physical, emotional and spiritual health.


Stage 3:

Become the Architect

Time to pull it all together! We’ll co-create a structure and simple guidelines together and get those new habits rocking and rolling.


Stage 4:

Adapt, Revise, Explore, Get Curious

Really start getting to KNOW yourself and your relationship with food, through curiosity and exploration. When life happens, we’ll teach you how to adjust the plan with kindness and compassion—no judgment whatsoever.

Stage 5:

Commit to Your Vision

With newly acquired power and skills for self-care, you’ll create guidelines around when you need to pull back, reevaluate or get more help and you’ll learn to stay consistent to nurture your loving relationship with food.

What You'll Get:

If you feel even the slightest pull toward breaking free and finding balance with food for good, don’t ignore that whisper! Schedule a 15 minute Strategy Session NOW, so we can get you into the life you deserve.

  • Pre-game Questionairres for your coach to become your co-creator
  • A 75-minute initial consultation
  • Eleven 45-minute weekly follow-up sessions
  • Weekly teaching videos with worksheets
  • Unlimited messaging with your coach between sessions for support

Jumpstart your new relationship with food

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