Elizabeth Hale-Rose, LCSW


I first heard Molly interviewed on a podcast. Next, I read her book Breaking Up With Sugar and checked out the BUWS Facebook community. Her approach deeply resonated with me. I reached out to her and was thrilled when she offered me the opportunity to be a part of her team!  

I’ve been a therapist, coach and meditation teacher for 25+ years. I’m pretty much obsessed about all things that support nervous system regulation and the search for purpose and meaning. I earned my master’s degree in social work from Smith College (1994) and became a Certified Life Coach through iPEC (2017). I have extensive training in dialectical behavioral therapy, energy therapies, and positive psychology. Most importantly, my coaching is also informed by my lived experience. I know the cycle of shame and hopelessness that is a part of food addiction. I also know what works to break the grip of sugar and flour addiction.

I love my job because it doesn’t feel like a job! I get to use my whole self to be a part of a movement that is helping people deeply transform in the face of our culture that teaches women to hate their bodies and fuels the diet industry! I have a front-row seat to amazing people achieving what they once thought was impossible for themselves – releasing the shame that holds them back and discovering the beauty that freedom from sugar addiction brings. It’s a privilege for me to share what I have learned and lived to help others fully step into their lives. 

I am confident that whatever your experience, and that no matter what your head tells you, you can find freedom from sugar addiction and step into a life you love. If I can do it, so can you! People who work with me say that they feel seen, understood and supported. I would love to be your partner on your journey of developing a loving relationship with food and with yourself!


Alexandra Wilt, LCSW


I’m a Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), eating disorder and food addiction therapist whose professional and personal path led me to work with Molly over five years ago.

As a therapist, I’m passionate about helping my clients gain control of their eating and work through issues around perfectionism, shame, anxiety, and codependency. I believe that change is most effective when we approach our problems with curiosity, compassion, and a non-judgmental approach. I also appreciate the importance of sharing the science and evidence-based reasons behind why we get stuck and how we can change, while listening and understanding the wisdom about my clients’ own personal experience.

Above all, I aim to help people see that they are not alone, and that a peaceful relationship with food is possible. I believe in the power of asking for help and being willing to show up consistently in a way that aligns with our long-term goals. I understand that change is hard, and there are bumps in the road. I’d be honored to be an unwavering support for you on your journey to peace and freedom in your relationship with food.

I received my Master’s Degree from the Columbia School of Social Work, where I was trained in the Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Intensive Training Program and Lab. Prior to my training in DBT, I worked in the University of Michigan’s Food and Addiction Science and Treatment (FAST) Lab where I explored how high reward foods, food advertising, and motivations to eat impact our eating behavior. I came to understand how our modern-day food environment is not set up for success, and why our challenges with addictive eating are all too common.

My own relationship with food has also informed my understanding and compassion for the complex issues that surround an eating disorder and food addiction. I’m so excited to get to be on your journey of healing. I’m able to treat those living in New York, New Jersey, Florida and Michigan.

Elisa Ross

Elisa Ross


Hi! I’m Elisa Ross, and my life changed in the summer of 2021 when I found the book ‘Breaking Up with Sugar.’ I don’t know what compelled me to read ANOTHER diet book – after years of struggling with my relationship with food, but it was a complete game-changer for me. Reading it made me see food in a whole new way, understanding that I was in a relationship that needed some serious fixing. 

Thanks to that book and participating in lots of Molly’s programs, I’ve created a life with the tools and support I need to be kinder to myself and create the loving relationship ith food that I never knew was possible. Most importantly, I’ve learned that no matter what, I’ve got my own back, even when times get tough. Simple, but totally life altering.
As part of this process, it became apparent that I needed to make a career change (stop bingeing the food and you’ll see why you were bingeing in the first place). The further I progressed into this new relationship, the clearer it became that I wanted to spend the second half of my life working with others to help them build the relationship with food and themselves that they wanted and deserved. I took the plunge, and I’ve never been happier: In 2023, I became a Life Designer Coach, in 2024 I became intensively trained in Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and I’ve been working with Molly ever since.
As a coach, I’m here to help you find your way, offering support and the right tools to make peace with food and feel good about yourself. Life’s too short for anything less than feeling great and living fully, and that’s what I’m here to help you do.

Kirsten Schiff


Hi! I’m Kirsten.  When I found Breaking Up with Sugar, it changed my life. I went through all the stages of recovery, and three years later I noticed I was helping others with their journey to find the same freedom. Molly Carmel recruited me to be her first coach, and I became certified as a LifeDesigner Coach and began working as a coach for the All In program in 2022.  

The ALL IN program is excellent and different from anything I have ever done. I’ve watched it help so many people already and know how much it would have helped me! It is a privilege to walk alongside our group’s brave and amazing members as they make changes in their lives. 
After successfully “coaching” three children into adulthood, I have turned my gift of encouragement toward others.  My son said, “You’ve been doing this job your whole life; you just didn’t know it was called coaching.” That felt like my truth. My coaching style is lots of kindness and understanding with a bit of cheerleading.  If you decide to work with me, I will help you move on to a new and exciting chapter of your life, free of allowing sugar, flour, and food to control any part of it! If you struggle and feel stuck in the same old patterns, let’s explore the things that hold you back and help you get closer to your dreams and the life you want for yourself. If I was able to let go of the sugar, I truly believe you can too. This IS possible, and being your coach on this journey would be a joy! ❤️

Laura Whitesel


Molly Carmel, her book Breaking Up With Sugar, and the members of the BUWS community saved my life. Decades of struggle with food and weight have–with the help of this program– led me to live a life with meaning and purpose. Because my transformation has been so powerful, I am a coach for Molly in order to bring recovery to as many others as possible.

I am a life-long learner. Recently, I became certified as a LifeDesigner Coach (in 2023) and trained intensively in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (2024). I hold a Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology (2022) and an MEd in Adult Education (2019). More importantly, I am a student of healing. Great teachers like Pema Chodron and Brene Brown inform my thinking. Every day I read, journal, and meditate to better understand myself and others. I also attend just about anything Molly Carmel ever teaches. And every day, I learn something new about myself, recovery, and, more importantly, how to live with purpose. I want to share these lessons so they can heal, too.

As a coach, I see where your potential and your reality collide and work with you to find reasonable, possible ways to make positive changes that help you create the life you want. Most importantly, I hold a space for you to examine your own priorities and discover what works for you to meet those. None of us has to travel this path alone. An ancient Buddhist teacher said, ” May I be a boat, a raft, a bridge” for those looking for a better way to live.

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