Acupuncture and Emotions as Energy with Wendy Swanson

Wendy Swanson dives into the ins-and-outs of acupuncture. Molly calls the modality “an absolute, life-changing measure” after she was cured of her Long Covid symptoms following her sessions with Wendy—something traditional Western medicine was never able to do for her.

Listen in as Wendy paints a comprehensive picture of acupuncture and its history, as well as her fascinating journey in going against the grain to become an Eastern medicine practitioner. She talks about the importance of finding purposeful work that doubles as both a creative outlet and a vehicle for making a positive impact on the people around you—if not on the whole world.

Wendy shares how acupuncture promotes the parasympathetic nervous system: teaching the body how to rest, digest, and renew. Through her passionate explanation of the wonders of this alternative modality, a profound, fundamental lesson emerges: Healing and renewal ultimately comes down to trusting ourselves. According to Wendy, thriving in our being comes down to the realization that the body is a miracle, if we allow it to be.

Episode Quotes
● “Work is crucial for my wellbeing—to feel like I’m contributing to the world in a positive way.” – Wendy
● “I was so deeply unhappy that I had to trust, or else I would have ended up in a ditch someplace.” -Wendy
● “Emotions and physical symptoms are linked.” -Molly
● “Our biggest teacher is ourselves: our own body, our own knowing.” -Wendy

Key Highlights
● Why having a creative outlet is paramount to your wellbeing
● Acupuncture 101 and the world of alternative medicine
● Emotions as energy
● Eating disorders, and how addiction connects to self-worth (or lack thereof)
● Understanding the (often uncomfortable) immediate aftermath of acupuncture

About Wendy Swanson

Wendy Swanson is a board certified & licensed acupuncturist, intuitive healer, yoga, breath & meditation teacher, international retreat leader, published writer and former yoga studio owner. In 2007 she graduated with honors from Tri-State College of Acupuncture in NYC, and promptly moved to Charlotte, NC where she has had a vibrant private practice. She is a 500 hour yoga certified instructor from Kripalu Center of Yoga & Health.

When she is not on the yoga mat or seeing acupuncture patients you can find her strolling around her Charlotte neighborhood, writing, hiking in the woods or connecting with a few close friends, husband and teenage daughter.

Learn more about Wendy at: or

About Molly Carmel
Molly is a leading addiction and eating disorder therapist and the founder of the Beacon Program, which offers individual and group solutions to help people break free from their destructive relationships with food and dieting. She is also the author of ‘Breaking up with Sugar’ and the host of ‘What You’re Craving’ Podcast.

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