Are Injectables the Answer?

In this solo episode of What You’re Craving, Molly gives her opinion on a topic that has been getting some attention lately: injectables for weight loss. First and foremost, we need to acknowledge that it is a medical intervention, and it needs to be treated that way. And guess what? There is nothing wrong with asking for medical support to lose weight.

On the other hand, it won’t help if the person taking it stops paying attention to their eating habits and neglecting their health. Cultivating healthy habits, having a balanced diet rich in protein and fiber, and exercising still play an essential role in this process.

Molly invites you to see injectables for weight loss as another tool in the toolbox, not a magic wand that will solve all the problems. And if you are considering making use of this tool, don’t forget to weigh the pros and cons, and most importantly, don’t treat it like a quick fix. Tune in to learn more!

Episode Quotes

  • “Maybe it’s a beautiful thing to get some help. Maybe we don’t really know what we’re talking about and maybe we need to set aside all of these prejudices that diet culture has put into us that the only way it works is through hard work.”

About Molly Carmel

Molly is a leading addiction and eating disorder therapist and the founder of the BeaconProgram, which offers individual and group solutions to help people break free from their destructive relationships with food and dieting. She is also the author of ‘Breaking up with Sugar’ and the host of ‘What You’re Craving’ Podcast.

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