How to Handle the Diet Culture Vultures

Given this time of year and the fact that diet culture vultures are swarming, Molly wants to help you to access your wisdom so you don’t fall victim to the marketing. You don’t need to make a choice out of urgency and anyone that tells you otherwise, does not have your best interest at heart. Relationships with coaches are transactional and they should be working for you and wanting what is truly best for you, but that is not always the case. To heal your relationship with food, you don’t have to spend one more minute with someone that isn’t serving you. Molly emphasizes that your love for yourself has to be greater than your fear of disappointing someone, such as a coach or even a family member that wants you to eat something that doesn’t align with you.

Molly’s goal in this episode is to help you be informed and prepared, and not fall into the traps that are abundant right now. If you fall into the trap, Molly isn’t going anywhere but she provides guidance on how to not fall into them and how to choose someone to work with that will help you align with your highest self. If you need help, there are so many good people that can help you, but the problem is a lot of people are treating from their trauma. You want to make sure that the healer is healed themselves before they can help you. Molly wants you to be more thoughtful about where you are getting help and know that you can fire people that are not making you feel good about yourself and your relationship with food.

Diet culture is at its height today and it’s here to take your money and keep you trapped in the diet cycle. One criterion to ask yourself when looking for someone to help is: “Are they looking to keep me in their cycle forever?” The goal should be to give you the tools you need to make it a sustainable lifestyle that doesn’t have you feeling deprived and miserable. After the holiday’s people are feeling bad about their food decisions, and the diet culture vultures will say they are here to save you, but you need a guide, not a savior. Listen in to hear how to find the right guide for you.

Episode Quotes:

  • “I want you to feel free to fire someone that doesn’t make you feel good about yourself.”
  • “Validation isn’t about kindness, it is about truth, and there are kind ways to tell the truth.”

Key Highlights

  • Your relationships with coaches are transactional and they should work for you 
  • Molly’s criteria for looking for help
  • How real and sustainable change works
  • Don’t fall for marketing that feels urgent and uses language such as “only one spot left!”
  • Molly invites you to join Intensati and choose yourself 

About Molly Carmel

Molly is a leading addiction and eating disorder therapist and the founder of the Beacon Program, which offers individual and group solutions to help people break free from their destructive relationships with food and dieting. She is also the author of ‘Breaking up with Sugar’ and the host of ‘What You’re Craving’ Podcast.

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Happy 2023!!! Come to my CHOOSING ME retreat on January 8th 12-5 – it’s going to be an amazing kick off to a FAB year! Sign up here –

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IG (I love a DM!): @mollycarmel

YouTube: Molly Carmel

Tiktok: @realmollycarmel


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