Find Calm in the Chaos Through Mindfulness and Meditation

There is a profound wisdom inside of us that knows exactly what to do and who we are, but that wisdom is often overshadowed and drowned out by the chaos around us. We live in a world full of noise and are constantly bombarded with different messages. Even in the health and wellness realm, with messages around biohacking and healing, it can get overwhelming and difficult to discern the messages that are coming from culture and those that are coming from within our divine wisdom. Molly’s guest today is here to explain that it really isn’t that complicated. The key is to learn to get quiet with yourself through meditation and mindfulness, which will set you free from all the chaos. 

Manoj Dias shares his powerful story and background of being born into a Buddhist family and raised with spirituality. As an adult, he found himself operating out of anxiety and high stress, which lead to sleep disorders and various medications. After finding a meditation class, he got back in touch with his spirituality and learned to observe his thoughts instead of internalizing them. Through this, Manoj found freedom and wants the same for you.

In this episode, you will hear Manoj’s peaceful and calming message about why learning to get quiet with ourselves is so important. So many people are constantly looking for the next thing that will finally make them happy, when the truth is, it is important that we learn to embrace what is in this moment. A lot of meditation is appreciating what we have instead of looking for the next thing to make us feel whole. This isn’t to say that we can’t desire change because of course we can, but we need to realize that those things won’t make us happy, it is who we become in the process. Manoj also explains the important distinction that we are not our thoughts and our suffering. This feeling of being free from our thoughts can come from the powerful practice of meditation.

Episode Quotes:

  • “Meditation isn’t about feeling good. It’s about being free. There is a big difference between the two because there are a lot of things that will make us feel good, but they won’t make us feel free. The true freedom that meditation and spiritual practice gives us is our capacity to see things as they are and be less reactive to those things.” – Manoj Dias

Key Highlights

  • Learning how to communicate and discern the messages between culture and ourselves
  • Manoj’s take on perfectionism
  • Manoj explains the idea that we are not our thoughts and our suffering
  • We live in an anxious time but we don’t have to respond the way the world wants or expects us to
  • Is there a way to befriend our negative thoughts?
  • Manoj shares about his meditation and breathwork app called Open which is intended to bring presence and connection to everyone 
  • What is the easiest first step to take in this process? 

About Manoj Dias:

Born and raised in the Theravada Buddhist tradition, Manoj Dias is an animated speaker, humble teacher and always a friend. Once tethered to a life of self-management, instead of self-awareness, he now intimately understands what it means to be healed from the inside out. Through mindfulness and meditation, Manoj has helped thousands of people around the world trade mania for pause, so that they may live fearlessly in honor of a happier and more meaningful life. He is the co-founder of Open, a modern meditation organization based in California and the author of “Still Together”. 

Connect with Manoj:

Instagram: @manojdias_

About Molly Carmel

Molly is a leading addiction and eating disorder therapist and the founder of the Beacon Program, which offers individual and group solutions to help people break free from their destructive relationships with food and dieting. She is also the author of ‘Breaking up with Sugar’ and the host of ‘What You’re Craving’ Podcast.

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