Making Your Self-Relationship a Priority with Mike Millner

A vulnerable state of wanting to lose weight can make diet culture messaging enticing, and we are more likely to follow whatever diet plan promises to deliver the results we want. It is important to realize that no single meal plan or approach will work for every individual. No matter what diet culture myths are being propagated, there is no quick fix, and committing to your well-being in the long term will lead to a much happier existence.

Nutrition coach Mike Millner shares his compelling story about growing up as an athlete and identifying as one throughout his life until he became overweight in college and began an obsession with dieting and exercise. Mike developed orthorexia, which is an obsession with eating “clean” to the point that it can harm your health and well-being. Like many who suffer through this, Mike thought that if he were lean enough, he would be happy, but the lifestyle he adopted actually distanced him more from the activities that made him happy. While this restrictive way of life is highly addictive, Mike was able to lift himself out of it and treat his body with more love.

In this episode, Mike discusses how he changed his behavior, examined all the beliefs he’d held about himself since childhood, and dug deep to pinpoint the reason for his desire to lose weight. Rather than viewing his past “failures” negatively, he viewed them as learning experiences and feedback about what works for him, what doesn’t, and the tendencies he had toward food and exercise. Many people will relate to Mike’s story because it demonstrates the importance of finding out what works for you individually and being aware that you have a forever relationship with yourself. As Mike’s story shows, adopting a growth mindset and committing to your well-being long-term can make feeling good in your body a reality for years to come. 

Episode Quotes:

  • “What do you believe about yourself? What is your internal operating system? We all have this ‘I am’ statement that we’ve developed from childhood that tells us what we think about ourselves, and oftentimes we don’t even know where it came from.” – Mike Millner
  • “When we’re trying to make a change and we’re uncomfortable and we’re in this really emotional and vulnerable state that promise of instant gratification is very appealing.” – Mike Millner
  • “I think that if we actually start to get comfortable and familiar with that future version of ourselves, then we’re like, ‘I don’t want to do that to them.’” – Mike Millner

Key Highlights:

  • Mike’s battle with orthorexia
  • What led Mike to start his own company
  • Mike’s journey to loving his body
  • Mike’s lessons learned from his past restrictive eating habits
  • Reframing failure as a learning experience
  • The freedom that comes from self-awareness
  • Committing to yourself long-term and having a growth mindset

About Mike Millner:

Mike Millner has been a high-level nutrition coach for over 10 years. He has a gift for understanding the psychological and physiological needs of his clients, which has led to thousands of success stories. His personality-based approach with an emphasis on mindset has been highly sought after by coaches and clients, alike. 

Connect with Mike:

Instagram @coach_mike_millner


About Molly Carmel

Molly is a leading addiction and eating disorder therapist and the founder of the Beacon Program, which offers individual and group solutions to help people break free from their destructive relationships with food and dieting. She is also the author of ‘Breaking up with Sugar’ and the host of ‘What You’re Craving’ Podcast.

Connect with Molly:

LOTS of EXCITING stuff going on over at – but most importantly, there are a few slots left to CHANGE YOUR LIFE in the ALL IN Intensive Coaching Program beginning February 5th – sign up for a 15 minute strategy session with me 🙂

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