How to Sugarproof Your Kids with Dr. Michael Goran

Dr. Michael Goran sits down with Molly to offer his best advice on helping our children navigate our sugar-saturated environment. Now that Christmas is right around the corner, this is a timely subject to dive into!

But, as our guest reminds us, making sure that our kids indulge in moderation is a challenge that lasts beyond the Winter holiday season⁠. After all, we still need to keep in mind Valentine’s Day and Easter chocolates, graduation cakes in May, ice cream in the summer, and all manner of sugary treats come Halloween!

In short, as Molly puts it: “This idea that it’s ‘just a treat’ is a bit of a delusion.”

Listen in as Dr. Goran explains what sugar does to kids according to research, besides weight gain. He talks about setting boundaries with our children at home, while at the same time empowering them to self-regulate their own food choices.

Dr. Goran then breaks down the two main paths that anyone can take to sugarproof themselves—the 7-day and 30-day challenges—and how just seven days’ worth of healthy food choices already makes a huge difference.

Episode Quotes

●  “Food is for enjoyment as well as for nourishment. We’ve lost track of that a little bit.” – Dr. Michael Goran

●  “Even after only seven days of sugar reduction, you can get benefits at the metabolic level. We’ve seen observable changes in behavior, temperament, and energy levels in children in just a few days.” -Dr. Michael Goran

Key Highlights

●  What is sugar doing to our kids, exactly?

●  How to make Halloween healthier (but still just as fun!) by starting a Switch Witch tradition

●  How to teach your kids to self-regulate their food choices at home

●  How artificial sweeteners do more harm than good

About Michael I. Goran, PhD

Dr. Michael Goran is a Professor of Pediatrics at The Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, which is affiliated with the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California. He is Program Director for Diabetes and Obesity at The Saban Research Institute and he holds the Dr. Robert C. and Veronica Atkins Endowed Chair in Childhood Obesity and Diabetes. Dr. Goran also serves as Co-Director of the USC Diabetes and Obesity Research Institute.

Connect with Michael I. Goran


Twitter: @michaelgoran

Instagram @sugarproofkids

About Molly Carmel

Molly is a leading addiction and eating disorder therapist and the founder of the Beacon Program, which offers individual and group solutions to help people break free from their destructive relationships with food and dieting. She is also the author of ‘Breaking up with Sugar’ and the host of ‘What You’re Craving’ Podcast.

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