Guiding Principles for Thriving Through the Holidays


As we approach the holiday season, Molly has a lot to say about diet culture vultures and the marketing that says “how to survive the holiday season.” We don’t want to just “survive” through this joyous time of year, we want to aim to thrive. Aiming for survival will lead you to hit below that mark, and Molly wants you to enjoy the holidays and feel a sense of joy and thriving. If we enter this season with the idea of just trying to survive, we can get into a fight, flight, fawn, or freeze mode, but if we are thinking of thriving during the holidays, that opens up a landscape for us to look at the parts of our life that bring joy, creativeness, happiness, and love.

Molly encourages us to find “micro joys” in our life and see the world around us through a lens of gratitude for the small things. She shares some refreshing guiding principles to help you thrive through the holiday season so that you don’t sell yourself short. So many people are trying to win off of your struggle around this time of year, but you need to take a look at who you are giving your power to and learn to access situations as your highest self. How do you know if you are in your highest self, or in your addiction mind? These guiding principles will help you determine exactly that and give you the power to make decisions that are in alignment with who you want to be.

The marketing surrounding just “surviving” is a problem, because we are all worthy of thriving. Love yourself enough to be consistent and do things that bring you closer to knowing and loving who are you, because when you know yourself you’re not going to sell yourself to the diet culture vultures that prey on people during the holidays and into the new year. When we know ourselves, we start to attract higher level things, and a fabulous way to heal and empower yourself is to join Molly for intenSati, and tune in to this episode to learn how to prioritize yourself, develop your guiding principles, and thrive through the holidays.

Join the Thanksgiving morning intenSati at 9 am ET by clicking the link here.


Episode Quote:

  • “When you’re aiming for survival, you’re probably going to hit below that mark, and boy does that work well for diet culture.” – Molly Carmel


Key Highlights

  • Beliefs are repeated thoughts
  • Work with someone that will empower you to be in a relationship with food and not a relationship with their program 
  • Avoiding diet culture vultures by accessing your recovery bank account and using those tools during the holiday season
  • Surviving is not a good guiding principle
  • How to know if you’re in your highest self or your addiction mind
  • Guiding principles to know if your decisions are aligned who you want to be
  • Thoughts become things, so when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change
  • Filling your power circle with people that are also trying to level up and thrive


I’m FULLY committed to having you stay LIGHT and AFLOAT during the Bermuda Triangle aka Holiday Season!

LOTS of offerings – Fireside chats, online holiday support courses, intenSati classes all on

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